Best Size Pressure Washer for Home Use
When pressure washing, the general rule of thumb is you should use a pressure washer with a GPM and PSI that's appropriate for the job. If you get one that's too weak, it won't be able to blast away dirt and grime. And if you get one that's too powerful, you could end up causing […]

Surging in pressure washers
Pressure washing is one of the most effective ways to wash the exterior of your home. It helps remove mildew, dirt scales, algae, oil, and other outdoor contaminants from your siding. A surging pressure washer is one with an inconsistent spray. The washer will be spraying at a certain PSI and then suddenly, the spray […]

How Societal Expectations Affect University Academics
Whether they are innate or learned, we all have social roles that we try to live up to. We try to make sure we act appropriately, or conform to what we think is expected of us. We may feel frustrated and agitated because we do not live up to the expectations that are placed upon […]

Pressure washer for washing cars
A pressure washer is a machine which is used to remove dirt and mud from different things. It pumps water at very high pressure which can remove mud from different surfaces. Many professionals use this machine to wash your car. This machine washes and cleans your car in a little time and it's also very […]

Where To Donate Your Children’s Clothes To Give Them A Second Life
Can we talk about how quickly kids grow during the first few years of life? I know, everyone warns you that as a new mother, you will blink and your baby will suddenly be a toddler, but it’s truly one of those things you have to experience to really grasp how insanely fast it happens. […]

6 Reasons Why Escape Rooms Are a Great Activity For Kids
Some of the most gratifying bonding activities you can do with your kids are escape rooms. Nothing compares to the sense of accomplishment they’ll have after completing a challenging puzzle. They gain essential life skills such as perseverance, creative thinking, and cooperation due to this process. It’s an activity for kids that can indeed check […]

The Story of Allosentry and a Missing Child
Allosentry was inspired by a personal experience. And an experience that some of you may have faced, but also one that I hope all of you never have to experience. A missing child. It was October 2016, Saturday night. I took my 3-year-old twin boys to meet my friend’s family at an arcade. The place […]

'We Feel Manipulated And Scared': Working In A Care Home During The Covid-19 Crisis
The last time I’d called the Samaritans, I was a teenager. I’d had a row with my mum and felt like jumping in the canal. I called again this spring, 27 years later. It was 2am and I hadn’t slept properly for weeks. I’d been kept awake sobbing and worrying about residents at the care […]

The Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Covers all Bases
Having a tablet that incorporates full laptop functionality is more than just a bonus. In my book, it’s an essential. Instead of having a separate device for every purpose – a mobile phone, a tablet, a laptop, and a desktop, combining some of those into a single device is easier on your wallet, your resources, […]